
Sunday, 10 November 2024

Come through

 Did you come here?

Did you come there?

Did you come through for me?

When the night starts to darken

And cold is the air

Oh did you come through for me?

Where are the fireworks?

Where's the marching band?

Did you come through for me?

Where are the jugglers?

Sword swallowers and

Did you come through for me?

I put it in your hands

I left it up to you

Oh did you come through for me?

Did a landslide happen 

Did it slip out of your hands

Did you come through for me?

While I was looking for salvation

Did you make a stand?

Oh did you come through for me?

I was condemned to resignation

Like a wanted man

But did you come through for me?

Once I held the cup of nations

But you left for a foreign land

And didn't come through for me

Now I'm calling out on all stations

We've got to make a plan

I've got to come through for me

Islands in the channel

 The gulls are curbing the cold salty air

Beyond and above the house they glide

Confrontational wilful against the wind

A dark tan fence runs along the garden perimeter

Beyond it is the wild

The rabbit plane of rocks and burrows

And again to the west are the abandoned buildings

Decaying hospital ruins, the end walls of Nissan huts

Left over from the war

And the gulls keep these only

Except perhaps some ghosts of the cholera

Who must have died there

And hundreds of years before

St Caddock lived here, in its deep peace


I go swimming in the little bay of a morning

It is fresh and cold to leap in at first

From off the jetty

The inexorable tide rolls on and pulls in undercurrents

The shifting vortices beneath my feet

I made the mistake once of going through an arch way called castle rock

Which lead me into open water

Immediately the tidal force of the eddying channel tried to pull me out

I had to hang onto the rock for dear life

And it took all my strength to pull myself back in

And Swim to the shore

The monks who lived here all drowned once when visting neighbouring Steep Holm

The island is safety

A haven in the stream of the sea

The torrent of the water which rushes past spells out doom

To any swimmer or boat not strong enough to fight the tide

Back on the island

Gulls swamp the colony

In voices of communal caterwauling

And intoxicating alarms and panics are set off

At intruders, a visiting buzzard, a peregrine hunting rabbit

They are hounded and harrowed by the gulls

A gull that has eaten a baddie from the mainland dump

Is suffering botulism and is dying, the others harangue it

In gangs take pieces out of the weary bird

There is no mercy and nothing is spared

Weakness is despised by their vicious natures


We walk through their nesting colony on daily walks

And they hound us and swoop down, screeching like witches

Shitting their foul substances onto our cloaked heads and backs

Like vast covens of these pre-pagan, primordial beings

Left to their own devices for years on end before mainlanders rediscovered the island

They feel certain rights and privileges over their conquered territory

Especially that over humans, from our waste they feed, but want nothing more

From us.

It is enough they eye us with their harsh cold fish eyes

 Like hooks, each adopts a manful posture of chest out

And their stride about the path we walk just in front dares our confrontation

They are hard

Fishermen, sailors not respecters of land lubbers or those

Who cannot show aerial skill, which they do

Like crosses in the sky, no matter how hard a gale they take off

Like spitfires in the war

Brave as iron, steadying the eddies of wind over their trembling wing

Until that incredible scything moment of aerodynamic equilibrium




































Castle Rock 1 / Western coast

 Slipping off the ring of the horizon

A new dawn breaks with the sun’s rising

Ringed by land

Like a bride’s finger

Turned around a golden band

The lipless ruff  


Where are my hands

Upon whose back do they fall?

The land as a lady’s side in profile

Dimples, breasts caverns measureless to man that call

And the Rock giant of flat Holm

Has touched them all

But they wore him down that knowledge

Too much wisdom has led to his destruction

Fog Horn Station 1

 The vigil kept by Fog Horn’s people

Daily, nightly they go out

To worship in the weather’s steeple

And trace the veins of the clouds

Like an atlas, a weather map of the skies

And if by mishap, or kismet

The conditions combine

Temperature, humidity, wind direction, tides

To create that fog belt, that blanket

These souls so devout to their religion

Express their faith and reveal their vision

So that others may see though with blinded eyes

And as if a miracle had occurred those who were lost are found

Those who were blind can see with their ears

Hear through the mouths that tiredly yawn

A benediction and blessing that horn sound

As clear as the Sun’s first rays through the darkness before dawn

Saturday, 9 November 2024

Last Poem of Flat Holm Island

 She with her cloves so black

She bitter crow, tooth by claw

The rattling steam cooker

Boiling the red hot hob

Hobbling as horses hooves

Clattering shore


Those steely stolen feet of stone

Clabbered the pebble dash dawn

Sorted in the graves

Of fish, rolling out the crease of sea

Ironing flat the deep


The bees of sleep have sung and hum

The waxwork town of men

All fixed are they

Henna brushed the tattoo lanes

Which wild willows blow

Shutters sound of shop door bells

Cling, clang ring of moneyed tills

Billowed bills and dollared dills

That faintly smell of sea sprayed sills

And that joyful, lawful wind

Which judges not least itself be judged

Just moronically mows down the morrow in moans

Dredges cats from alleys in calls from bins

Winds dogs barks around lamp posts

Their authors and owners

Trailing as cod fish on a leash

Clasping gawp gobbling as turkeys at the goblet air

Of homespun hamlets and heavy Irish hair

Just blandishments of bandicoots

And boron rods of care

In the cooker of his dreams

And machinations of a mind’s lair


Just hag the egg men

And hog the sea weed

Dredge the cock spurs from out the chicken feed

Chafe the chaffinch and fetch the Magpie

Palaeolithic the mega myth before I die

Follow the saintly swan too all white bread

The skatey scanty sea of scurvy hunger

And weevil whales that bore through

The biscuit of the big belly jelly deep

As leviathanic gloves that slip the silky thin night

From the dread grey sea

The shimmering shining sun as a smoky fish house glade

  Hung up to dry in a witch watchful sky

The sun is Gaol and Heights goosing by

The chimney pot pig sties

And roofs of ribbon rotted warmth that ties

All of death’s cold down to earth


 Can you catch an oyster with an oyster catcher?

Or shank a red, redshank
Can you shell the shell of a shell duck?
Or dun a Dunnock to his bank
And are you the one to witness the whim of a Whimbrel?
Or take cool turns with an Arctic Tern
Oh please tell me what Birding is in the end all about

Will you buzz a buzzard out on a panel show of ornithological knowledge?
To be cock of the walk, rank high in the pecking order of chickens in the run
While the sun is out
Will you gan at a Gannet, like you may gander a goose
Or might you take a puff at a puffin
Before with a sly smile turn him loose?
Might you throw a wad at a wader
Or take a snipe at a snipe
With your lens he is in the eye of the beholder
But do you see an eye for an eye
Or a tooth for a tooth
Can you turn over every stone in your search for a Turnstone?
Will you turn tail and run from a gull
Or gull at him back through the clear light of truth

May you lessen his black back?
Simply by painting him grey like the weather
Or fledge a fletch of his juvenile feathers
In the arrows of a Robin’s Hood
To hoodwink a Starling who sparred with a Sparrow
Tell me kindly if you’ve understood

Did you put the black bird down in your little black book?
Or put down the lark as a clown with a stern black look?
Did you flinch at a finch when he came around?
Was it you who took the voice from the mute swan?
Do any of you really have a choice in your wan?
Or like the grey goose do your clothes have some use?
You may hide in your hides, ride down your rides
Or follow the moth and the fly
For an insect is a gift to the very fast swift
As a wood pigeon is
To the peregrine or the Lord of the Sky

And not forgetting the crow
Who you too well may know
For his Corvidian cousin the Raven
Has driven you stark raving Mad
With his gang of dark vandals
Who are no strangers to scandals
In amongst the nests and eggs of the coot
And should you hold a full suit
Or a good gambit of feathery friends in your hand
Please keep them safe and
Sound advice is this :You may remember it is best
To believe you are blest
And unlike the cuckoo who intrudes on a nest
For the others' eggs out he will push
But know without doubt
Your life is not worth a short snout
For a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush


Buteo, Buteo

Wherefore art thou Buteo?
On what holy wooded hedge
Where you make our hooded ledge
And wherefore do you fly?
Forever a convict of the sky
And conviction yes
More is the less
As with auspices make your pledge
Your blood bond to swear by
Vow your vows
Bow your heads
Here comes the vouchsafe
Of your lives
Give money, give roses, poses of heather
Black is the beak, brown is the feather
The air in some torpid atmosphere
Breaks like breakers of a wild sea
Snapping like a belt of leather
Sends up vapours
On whose thermals see thee
Oh how grubby are the praying hands
When they come together
Beneath wedding bands
And marriage yet between
Sky and land
Though thou art unknowable times of sand
For where do you come from?
Who is your mother?
Thy father is every falcon
Every hunter back to the age of man
But how many mothers can
Give birth to your skill
Your art is the destroyer
How learnt thou to kill?
Who taught you? Treacherous sky and wind
Tempest belly was thy womb
But land that keeps your harboured pledge
Vouchsafe in him
Your meat and bread
Father provider to a son born of the air
Always crossing the sun
But what cares the sun for poor Buteo Buteo?
He is forever a traveller
In search of his carrion loot
In search of dead gold
When the sun is treasure chest
Enough for this pirate
Who sails blue pastures
What more wealth can be searched for?
When wisdom is the treasure the sun has in store
And he but transmuted
The vessel of nature’s law
Sign giver and guide all those
Who worship him and him adore
Yet his auspice given, rewards
Neither love nor hate
But like the majesty of heaven
Reigns down equal upon those from His pearly gate