The other side of beauty is the pain
You can feel it everytime it rains
You can try and walk away
But you'll come back again
Because the otherside of beauty is pain
Yes you better do your duty to beauty
You better do the same for your pain
If you don't know you have a cutie
That you've stolen all the booty
Then look again
the otherside of beauty is pain
There is a wrong to every right
There is a fragility to might
There's a shadow to every light
And a dawn to every night
A wrong to every right
The other side of beauty is the pain
The other side of beauty is the pain
There once was this guy Narcissus
Women said "I wish he would kiss us"
But the kisses he gave they were all in vain
For the other side of beauty is the pain
Nothing on his lips could he feel
No love to him seemed not so real
Just to prove love did exist
His own reflection he did kiss
And so he turned the wheel once again
For the other side of beauty is the pain
The otherside of beauty is the pain
And Mona Lisa stands in her picture frame
You can see her smile it is a little strained
For the love she'd known had passed
Now only love's brush strokes last
For the other side of beauty is the pain
Yes in each smile, in each love that laughs
There's a beauty that must fade
Like photographs
And when they say you're made
It's enough to draw the shade
For the other side of beauty is the pain
Two lovers they took a walk through a field
When one said to the other let's and take a meal
They picked flowers and grass
And oh how sweetly the hours did pass
But the other side of beauty is the pain
For he had to join the foreign legion
For that was the custom of the region
And so their love did pass,
Just like sand through the hourglass
For the other side of beauty,
the other side of beauty,
The other side of beauty is the pain
The other side of beauty is the pain
Everytime you love another
It's something you must discover
That hidden behind every doorway of the mind
The two faced Janus is the same
Yes the other side of beauty is the pain
If you look inside of Eden's doors
It's there for all rich or poor
The beauty is the winner
But pain's the cold dinner
The other side of beauty is the pain.
The tree of Good and evil
Like Robin hood and the devil
Ever since the love was forgotten
The soft fig fruit had turned rotten
And the apple fell from the bough
And it's still falling now just like a sacred cow
For the otherside of beauty is the pain