
Friday, 13 October 2023

Dripping Cove

 Dripping Cove

The running iron stove

That bleeds its red blood

From the islands heart

Out to the orange buoy

Who has floated like a gob stopper

In the rivers mouth for years

And that Pirates Bay

With smuggler’s caves

Where the sea like a milky basin sways

In the murmuring moonlight it waves

And its murderous intentions

Below the looks

Of monks from above their books

Below the sounds of the farmer’s plough

And the hob nailed boots of soldiers on their way

Dripping cove, ebbs out its life blood precious

Mixes the islands blood flow with the seas salty spray

Views from Flat Holm

 When the land is on its knees

And it seems like pickle and cheese

Laid out in slabs and chunks

All along the coast of the seas

And the sky is striking blue

As a thunderbolt in a bucket or two

Emptied in, the repository of wind

Which takes it hurling up the channel

And after the storm

The white windmills clearly blew

Like the arms of those reborn

On the hills of Calvary

Like jacks that God threw

Tumbling down

From the back of his hand

Fallen between divine fingers

The way across the bay

Seems so near yet is so far

The beach beyond out of reach abscond

The cream teas and fish and chips

The happy shoppers and laughing lips

The merry go round and carousel

The Big Top turning I know very well

The pier like a playground, for grown up kids

The steep climb to Brean Down

Where many a walking boot skids

And the fort which looks out back at us

Like a mirror seeing its own eye through binoculars

Its gun turrets and batteries and military shielding

Matched by our own battlements and the Victorian's building

Conjoined like three weird sisters Brean Down and two islands


Steep Holm the steepest, its gradient highlands

Like a potters clay mound cut and turned

On the wheel of the sea

Its edges carved steep by is cupped hands

Flat Holm the lizard lounging down flat

Sunning itself, by the wind, ironed like a mat

Brean Down so colloquial, provincial almost

With Weston the hub of local stage post

And Cardiff is there gleaming and white

Shining out through defiance against the storm’s might

Metropolitan and buzzing splashing its wealth

Like an elephant in a mud bath all over itself

On the hill Penarth

Proud and self-fulfilled,

Looking on the works of former days willed

Collated like a kaleidoscope

The world swirls around

As a lesser black-backed gull

Swoops down to ground


 There are nerves before a great fight

Nerves that come out at night

Nerves as you board your first flight

But these nerves you know they're right

Well they keep you under control

Like the actor who must stay in his role

And finish his play come what may

Oh nerves they'll have the last say

There are nerves that will dog you around

Like a fox is dogged by a hound

But you can't brush them away

For they're here to stay

And that's how they're as long as they're round

If you climb up the Eiffel tower

They'll be there in great power

Giving their speech, broadcasting their news

But life is a peach when you don't confuse

Their truth with having something to prove

Whether you stay or whether you move

Thursday, 12 October 2023

At Death's door

 I was at death's door

Knocking to come in

Cryin' what about love and what about Sin

Well I knocked so loud cried:

 Won't you let me in

I was at death's door knockin to come in

They said

Have you bent your ear

Or taken it on the chin

When I was at death's door


to come in

Well I cried so loud

There's a wolf out here

And he's howlin' loud

Won't go away

But they said keep that wolf at bay

I cried how

They said hey

Won't you tell me what I can do about that?

I said aloud

But my voice fell flat

A to O of jobs

 Ant eater



B - Baker, Butcher, bailer, bailif, banoffe pie maker

C-conartist, caption writer

Cockatoo tail feather puta in a

Cockatoo tail feather pulla outta


Delivery driver

Diamond miner

Deatha nd taxes person

Ditch water inspector

E-ear wig owner

Egg white beater

Elephant trainer

Elegy writer


F -foreign affairs correspondent


Flaming heart flagellist

Fake hairdo maker

G-God look-alike competition inspector

Goal keeper

Giraffe adoptionist

H- happy go lucky hippie

Hair dresser

Hope creator, hope maker

Handle turner

Huddle Goth

I-indicator maker

Index finger - giant index finger

Individual inspector


Jill- as in Jack dressing up as Jill

Jimcarna organizer

Jolly sing-a-long

Jeopardy host

K -Kung-Fu expert


Kapital hill creator

Constructive cages

King maker




Kiss.me on the spot

L- loverman

Low brow

lowdown taker

Lintel inspector

Label maker

Literature thief


Leg measurer

Lentil maker

Logo elaborator

M- Mechanic


Mender of watches

N-no one


Notch maker

(K)Napsack carrier

Nuptual inviter

O- octopus trainer

Onthologist, Opthalmologist

Open university lecturer

Opportunity knocker

Hole and Corner

hole and corner

Take me there in fires


The bold and free of purgatory

Hole and corner


Ship them off to foreign shore

Make me soft

In the cure

Take my heart and blur

The boundaries

Fire me steel in the foundries

Pumping iron

And the bellows

Scorching heat in hell's belows

Fired goodbyes and so long so's

Shake my hand when you say hello

But wake me when you wave my grave

I have no flowers in the shade

Cut the sun like a yoke

And pour me some

Like a joke

Hole and corner

Oh John Thorner

Pulled his thumb out

Of the plumb

Living fuck

 Can you make the song bird sing

In the early evening

Can you joke that it's not spring

While the season's turning?

Are you free or are you chained

While the maze of amazing rain

Comes spiralling down upon your brain

Oh tell me what is living?

Are you free to live

Then why not start to give

To your fellow human beings

They aren't blind to what they're seeing

Have the doves of the cot not flown

Out into the storm

Have the wily cocks of home

Not been kept in safe and warm

What of beauty

What of kings

What of all these kinds of things

And what you take

And what life brings

What is it you are finding?