
Thursday, 26 January 2023

A patchwork eden

 The women are washing curtains

And cutting out new shapes

Keeping out the cold

Until they make their great escapes

And I am in my room with

A scarf around my nape

Looking at the gloom with

A roll of sticky tape

Can I patch up my windows

Can I make a patch work quilt

And sew my images of Eden

Into everything I make?

A patchwork paradise made up

Of my own mistakes

A blanket to wrap myself in

When the cold comes 

When it threatens my life to take

And are these memories just a childhood fantasy

Or like Joseph and his dream coat

Will my dreams trump my mistakes?

I have to believe in the power of dreaming

And I'll sleep on it,

Under cover of life's roadmap I make

Sunday, 22 January 2023

This thing has wheels

 This thing has wheels and it will fly

Take it for a spin

Hitting over drive

There's nothing to lose or win

Only you've got to stay alive

In this thing with wheels

Come on and survive

It is over it is under

The fast road racing

Through tunnels

Under bridges

The scenery displacing

And time shifts its gaze

Until we realize

This thing has wheels

And we are on a ride

Railway silence

 The ducks on the sharp pond

The eye of the ice

The glittering tear lake

There bitterns shy twice

And Egrets and Herons

Stalk upon the fronds

Crushing and stealing

The icing on the cake

The glittering tear lake

Where blue sky cries

Into the fears and mistaken


Out shoot the swallows and in the branches starlings twitter

All above the glitter

Of the glitterati lake

Come see the birds swoon in their dazzling displays

Play fiddler on the roof tunes

As we walk the golden highway

And the yellow brick road shines

But there's no way we can stay

As I see the Tin man from Japan

Pick up his bucket and spade

And the black lion roars in the railway sidings

And his iron coat soars

And his bronze mane shining

Like a Sun pirate coruscated

and laid out on the plain

Dorothy is skipping doing a dance for the rain

And I'm on the platform waiting for the last train

But it left several hours ago, and my waiting is in vain

Still the rocks pile sideways and the Wizard of Oz calls

Here come the fortunate ones who have climbed

Over the walls

An end of pity

 What a pity it's the end of the road

I came down here thinking

I'd find a city full of glittering gold

But the road got too gritty

And I never listened to what my heart foretold

Don't drive down dead ditties 

Or else you'll never know what might unfold

Thursday, 19 January 2023

Vobster Quarry (for Denise)

 I'm going to Vobster Quay right now

There's no one else here, 

I think I am free

Driving down the drove

No need of a key

I'm unlocked already

I put on my gloves

I get ready to jump

But the water is black

Like an oil sump

And So I slip in so quietly

The cool takes my breath away

I am brave, I am strong I repeat

Under my breath, some place that can't be


But is some how

Then so cold 

I must move

Keep moving

I get that euphoric feeling

That high

As my body adjusts

And I swim lengths like I'm an otter

all alone in this quarry

After I feel so brave and so happy

Monday, 9 January 2023

Time's wall

 Are you barely holding on?

Quiet desperation is the English style

In a struggle with the Gods

And yourself for a while

Until something splits 

The pea breaks

The willow cracks

And a viper spits

And Then you fall 

To endless


Oh Time's wall

The wall of now

For ever we climb

Trying to reach it

The present moment

Like a summit

That we keep sliding

Off of

Like ice

You see you cannot ride 

Or overshoot the wave

That crests ever on

And never breaks

But is always breaking and being reclaimed

The endless cusp of tomorrow

Though you can look through if you are brave

And see tomorrow and tomorrow save

A moment from the future

A moment from the now

Like an eternal suture

heals over

A wounded brow

And the closer to the summit 

The more clearer your vision through

The medium of tomorrow

Time's eternal blue

Ocean of forever

Man your surly crew

All hands on deck

Else we break our necks

When we try to push on through

Keep reaching for tomorrow

Keep striving for today

Keep letting go of sorrow

Like a pearl lost to the clay

It will be found by someone else

Another day

And its wisdom impart

Like the shaking bough

Interprets the wind's thoughts in its way

Saturday, 31 December 2022

Snow Drops

 Like a lyric licks

The barley splits

The corn in fits and starts

Skits and parts chaff on the wind

Winnowing billowing gusts

And blasts that fast the breaking 

lines and rows and straps tied down

Over bales

And needles caught in Haystacks

Softly fall the snows on maps

Of our hearts and backs

And elbows tummies where

Tumble weed blows

And youth is but a refraction through

The glass of a crystal

Shatters snow flake

That breaks

But is still whole

In and of itself 

Contains itself

Again and again

Like a hologram

from the past

We ourselves change like snowflakes

Melting after a thaw

Our identity a fluid concept

That runs in and out of open doors

We are water based life forms

Beings of the vapours

And as the shore moves the pebbles

Through the tide

So we move heaven and earth

We tried

But temperatures froze us

impassable blockages dammed us in

And we could not flow

And still we waited cold and deep

Until across our surface

The ice did creep

And skaters came to play and score us with 

The lines of age

But nothing lasts that doesn't change

Upon time's stage

And in spring we thawed and our frozen expansion

Had cracked the walls of the pond

Until once again we spilled out

down new rivers and streams

And rills, rivulets culverts

and dives

And dipped into the caves

Where the bat thrives

And stalagmites and stalactites

Give us standing ovations and built statues 

Of our mineral foundations

And we deposit the past's baggage in river beds

And silt lakes

and we flow on more clearly forgetting

Not regretting our mistakes

Clear minded to the sea

Of all calm consolation

To join the mass hoards of starlit conversation

With sea birds and crustaceans

And bubbles where we glitter

And sparkle in deviations from

The winter bitter

And warm in gulf streams

And volcanic underground conurbations

A jet of steam is found 

To pass us through evaporation

Into the endless swirling ether of our imaginations

Where we write our names upon clouds

With all illuminations

Until the sun's head like lion proud

Roars in love and indignation

That he cannot see the crowds

Who to him offer their libations

And we scatter down

In snow flake crystallizations

Of the word for first softly fell then loud

But all in syncopation

On the hillside forest where the snow drops

Are praying

To welcome in the new spring

In pure white jubilation