Little hawk, little hawk, little hawk
Flying between the trees
Hovering while I walk
But which one of us is more free
Am I your shadow
Or are you mine?
Little hawk, little hawk, little hawk
Through the rain and shine
Cows in stampede
Farmers call their yell
Cattle clang and ring bells
Down the slope of green
They come pell-mell
But you little hawk, just swoop up
Into the trees and watch
So content with your skill and your speed
You can stay balanced on the edge of the cup
While it spills the whole river out
And your eyes will scan for a trace of what's strange,
You are a hunter little hawk, out on the range
The slightest movement in a field of grass
Waiting for the shrew or the dormouse to pass
And then down like a dagger, like a streak of pain
Down with your claws to strike your game
And that is the life of the hunting hawk
All ways at work, not a wing beat in vain
Making your way across the field where I walk
Little hawk, little hawk, little hawk in the rain