
Tuesday, 18 July 2023

Back slapper

 Back slapper

get back in line

Backslapper gonna make you mine

Do you the things that I want you to

Back slapper

You gonna slap me black and blue

Kindness never killed the cat

Curiosity did that

You keep slpping all them backs

There gonna back you in a corner 

Gonna lay you out flat

Catnapper on the pay of the man

Painstaker you gonna carry the can

Rain wrapper gonna drink your span

Slam dunker in the holiday van

This kind of love

 This kind of love isn't floating my boat

This kind of love is sticking in my throat

This kind of love,

This kind of love

This kinda, this kinda love

This kind of love isn't doing me any good

Oh I should have been in showbiz

I'm in the wrong neighbourhood

This kind of love, this kind a love

This kinda, this kinda love

This kind a love is like a bottle of wine

Corked in the middle, it's way past its prime

Down in the alley with the dirt and grime

This kind a love is some kind a crime

This kind of love is getting my goat

This kind of love is making me bloat

I've gorged on the love, I've worn out its coat

I need a new candidate before I have to vote

That kind of love is winning the race

I want that kind a love to take this one's place

It's all up in the air, it's over the line

This kind a love is some kind of sign