
Friday, 25 September 2015

Hands at Work
Scrape on the river bed
Raise the rocks like you raise the dead
Pick the ground with the axe find the hole
Take out its claws
Clip Devils toenails, shells and barnacles
 Imbue with life ammonites and Brachiopods
Bring them back out of the dark
Lying there mud-bound for millennia quite happily

Read the lie of the land
This slope that dip
Roll up the rocks lift
With your hand
Dig up the turf,
Throw it down
Bore into the bank like a thief for the sand
Use the spade to cut out cubes of stringy
Rooty sodden peat, that is so water logged
You can hardly lift it
Precious, so precious this harboured flesh
Like a surgeon cutting out the Fat of the Land

It takes grit, it takes belief to make a path
A determination to reclaim that little piece of wild

The Path through the Pines
Pine wood pale against brown bark
Wooded blatant without a spark
Dull, latent furry animal warm
Yet like the scales of a reptile
Unmistakably firm

Acidic, acrid needles that hurt
A floor of compass pins
Lost in a haystack

Thorns pin-dropping in the dark
Wait listen and hear the wind

Through them stir
That chandelier rustle
Of glass blades chill shattering

As wraiths in the firs
Wet and waiting soldiers of Mur
Waiting to be roused by one of the three kings
The father leylandii bristling their beards
Then the spirit returns
In convection raising moss and fungal spores in religious
Until intoxicated the whole Pine forest stirs to listen
The glass wood splits, leaf pins shimmer and shiver their timbers
The holy Ghost of the hill side has breathed
And her sigh is felt overhead
As a guide to the spirit world and the lost traveller
Taking the path through the wood

Lost in translation – the Scottish accent
We broke 900 lights last night
We broke 900 lights
Next month we hope to break the one thousand mark
She said with some pride
I was abhorred – you mean you smashed them all of them?
On your own?
She looked at me quite dazzled
Said “it is as if you are an alien”
I said ‘light bulbs?’ still disbelieving
She said one word “Facebook”
And then, because I still wasn’t getting it - she reiterated more clearly
“I said Likes!”

Cow Hill
The cow jumped over the moon mama
The cow jumped over the moon
I saw it there where the scare crows stare
And the lovers in arms do croon
Upon Cow Hill my dear
The frogs are leaping and the moon is clear
But the heavy heifers are lowing
Their orange manes are blowing
But no cows jump over the moon.
But I swear, I swear mama, mama
That I saw it all the same
What you saw were the Cows on their way back Home
Down the track from where they came

Cow Hill Surrealists
Yeast on risen hills
Wind blown
To unleavened valley floors
The rock cakes, moon rock, bakes
The hot-hearted peoples
Maroon and move
In battle with cattle
They lock horns
Of the army of moos
Down on cow hill
Factories of Aluminium Shields resound in chants
Rio-tinto, Rio-tinto in tribal tones
And tin soldier, drummer boys
Who plough fertile moon fields
That lay in conspicuous towering caravans
And lessen the lassoes from
The wild musket rams

Sermon on the Mount

Up in the mountains
Where the honey runs sweet
The Glen is heather lined like rows of springy seats
Feathers of an Eagle are found on a rocky crag
Pine trees sway in the breeze
As if a billowing flag

Up on the rocky paths of stone
Where the carrion crow hop
And pick apart the rabbit bone
Or a sheep’s eye goes pop
Where the temperature freezes
In the spring breezes
And an April shower shows in snow
That a fool may be locked in an ivory tower
With a Raven or a crow

What do you want to know of Mountains?
And why do you ask?
We stand as old as Moses
Mountain Ash grew his staff

Dwarf willow were is companions
The eye bright shone his way
Tormentil cured his stomach aches
And his food improved by bay

He clambered like a picking monk
Choosing herb and flower
The mountain ringlet butterfly
Bought him rings of flight
Through sun’s power

He danced among the butterwort
And down a cooling den
A mountain buttress had over shadowed
As a church may do a garden

He found between the cloven feature
A wriggling running rill
Giving rise to heath bedstraw, Ladies mantle
Celandine and daffodil

Everlasting were the purple flowers
Geranium in lush tussocks
Damp and wet the spongy peat
Facing out with Carex

These were rain mountains
The sky did shower with her gifts
These were old Gods now forgotten
But for the passing swifts

To these Moses walked in sandals
To these vigils made by Pilgrim candles
From these now we turn our head
As the living do from the dead

And yet these Gods yet survive
Holding Oberon fairy lives
Like Ransomed kings
From Widowed wives
They bleed their suffering waters baptised

From these Gods we draw our Nourishment
 River’s swell and Glen’s green Blandishment
Even now electric bulbs and bells
Are powered by their hydro wells

We call it ‘green’, call it man’s invention
But it is just the Mountain God’s intention
To keep his children well with water
As the fatherland set free the river daughter
And we drink and think with laughter
How well this Mountain does us look after

Facing North

The Cliffs of the Tower ring their bells
With Starwort Saxifrage
And Alpine Speedwells

The walls of the castle are highest with might
And the route by the ledge is demanding of plight

This fortress mountain in a blanket of Snow
Becomes a strange moonscape only intimate confidents know

And flourishing well down to their roots
Are the wood rushes and sedges, grown where the burn fills your boots

Little dwarves, little gems on a Rhinoceros hide
 Like some marvellous adornment to a most ugly bride

Yet the clouds are her veil
And when they sometime move aside
They reveal like a sail
Her soft and delicate side

But, then, her Majesty in Cathedral like organs
Are played by the wind demons
Who move beneath her brogans

These smooth Ballein features
Like slippers worn smooth
That lie like sea creatures
So still that never move

Her buttresses are ear-marked
With climbers rings
Yet even these tracks well harkened
Have not been fully listening

The sheer imagination that gave rise to the plan
Is pure intimation of what He will do, He can

His design shows such majesty it is beyond mortal words
No mind can comprehend though they visit in hoards

Just to be among greatness, to walk on its mile
To feel the rock of ages, cracked in a frozen smile

To let the Mountain know
That it is worshipped in homage
Come wind, rain or snow
They will seek out rare saxifrage

The Windy Top

Aspen Tremble in the wind
The Willow up turn their silver skin
Among the Yorkshire fog that sways
Upon the hill Dun Deardail way

A moving spirit whose pitch and toss
Is that invisible force to which
The grass seeds are at a loss

What makes the wind blow?
Why do we feel these molecules
Become our consciousness?
Our minds are the grassy fields

We have flesh that is of the earth
And souls made of the wind
And when the wind blows
We may lose ourselves like
The mind set free from the skin

I sat upon Dun Deardail hill
And listened to the wind
The sun was an eye
In the blazing blue sky
And the summit’s voice all surrounding

Down from their crests the cold cries flew
As messengers with some God given truth
And they laid their wordless meanings down
On the grass blades of this hill fort roof

The foggy sway of the seed heads
The bend and lilt of the wild flower
Showed just how nature would obey the voice
Of the Mountain’s power

The wind was blowing still as I left
And followed the winding path down
But I had been warmed on the Fort’s sunny crest
That sat on the hill’s head like a crown

How do you know the Sea?
How do you know the sea?
It is salt packed
Resin baked in obscurity
It is floated
Pine –goated, sure throated liver
Which sings for its meals
From the God-cloud giver
It is rain-hungry swaying mountains and mounds
Which sway in the graveyard of heart thumping sounds
It is beneath the surface and underneath the skin
The greatest secret ever kept from the opening
How do you know the Sea?
You cannot really know unless you’ve searched
From the Loch to the quay

Running on the Mountain

Thunder on the Mountain
And a rumble in the heart
Blood curdles in fountains
The red burn sunders apart

Everybody is running
I want to run too
I want a beginning in some place new

All my life is running
Together through the stream
Like Salmon swimming
Uphill trying to reach the impossible dream

Everybody is running
And time is running out
The bream is fresh
With new life I don’t begin to doubt it

Union Road
The union is undressed
It lies naked as a flower
Here and there the clouds graze low
As planes beside a tower
The mists of the forests sweep down
As sleep descends on Fort William town
And the black loch lies like a dragon
Deep in the confines of his bower

Black are the pools
And cold as a throbbing heart
Eecking out the stress of the years
The way an urchin eats a tart
Gorging on the succulent moss
And sobbing on the green rock
The mountain bleeds with pine seeds
The way a bread loaf falls apart

Living on Union Road
I’m living on Union Road
But we are so divided
My mind is two sided
And this country is in the jaws of a shark

A tree lies like a match on the slope side
Then a thousand more over the park
But a puff of smoke by the rail side
Is enough to cause a forest to spark

Puff on old Billy, puff on
The rebels are hauling their chains
You can hear them in the falling rains
Laying the sleepers to Lanark
You can feel the Jacobites march
That footfall in the Glen through the dark
Now that Scotland will be free once again
All it takes is a steam train to spark

Oh the Union is undressed
And lays like a flower in the cold
Standing as the Thistle grows
Ever new to the fight
Ready for  a war with the Rose

Living on Union Road once again
Yes I’m living on Union Road
There is method in the madness
And tears in my sadness

While I’m living on Union Road