What you want to beat your wings for you lapping labrador
You lolloping lady of lake
Gliding graceful like a rake
Sucking up all the algae
Filtering through leaf
Sifting spattering beak
Gurgling and gargling
Like a kid at MacDonald's
Really beggars belief
And you call yourself a classy bird?
The King's own bird indeed
Well I think you need a reality check
This rhein ain't your own private beach
Get on over to the other ditch
You go and swan it up with the rich
This here patch is Egret land
You slippery bacon flitch
Well, never in my life have I heard
Such words issue from the mouth of a thief
You come over here from Africa
And think you can steal my reef
Immigration indeed, I say
Well white is right, but then I say
I'd rather have a cormorant anyday
Than this bull ass biting beast
Go and huddle with the cattle
Go on an peck up their fleas
These banks are ours I say
This ain't the Mediterranean sea
You could have landed anywhere but
You chose the Wetlands of Shapwick Heath!
Listen here my swanee whistle
you've been blowing your hot air
If you could blow like a thorny thistle
Why don't you go blow over there?!
We Egrets have been migrating sure
From many a foreign shore before
But here we've camped, and here we've stamped
Our mark like a proud cow's hoof
Indeed if you need to hear the proof
We live in the trees see we can build nests
Hidden in the branches for we are blessed
By the Egyptian God Osiris
And it's in his footprint that we walk the Iris
You'll be flagging on the flag stones
And I'm making no bones
About it
We've got skills you can't kill
Or ever hope to match
Hopping over stepping stones
Looking for a fish to catch
If you want to lily pad
You lily livered beast
Then go along and motorhome
You know it's best at least
I think that you should read the tome
Of bird etiquette related manual
To show you the map of your way home
That you should be able to handle
But don't come to me with your complaint
That there ain't enough room for us both
You will have to push the boat out
It's covered in your oily greasy
And slip along back to Rome
And the better fortunes find your feet
Than in this dome that is my home
My kingdom
Of Swan retreat
I'm calling up my royal friends
I've got friends in high places you know
I can get you kicked out the country
If I just wave my wings
So don't you dare, try to scare
Or insult a swan at leat
The only ones you need to phone
Are your friends on loser's street