
Tuesday, 24 November 2015



Blackbirds sit on a wire
Gulls on a rooftop do too
Scan the horizon until of it they tire
Return to the Sea Lochside view

Men in chain gangs walk the high street
They are prisoners of the pub-crawl
But are left in the rain to hang on a fence wire
With sad dog tired faces all in a drawl

The buses hug hills like the beetles
Buzz like bees to their stops
With feet stuck full of pollen people
They search another flower head where their pollen they drop

Nature tends towards patterns
People by nature are dots
Someone draws lines between us
Joins us together whether we like it or not

All I see around me are wires
Electrical fences what not
Sometimes the lines are cold frozen
Sometimes they buzz like their hot

We, like the birds, sit on fences that are broken
Watching skylight horizons
It may be but a cheap token

But I like it all the same as if it is not


Morning, morning, morning
The morning of our lives
Here the steep hill is swollen
Like a mother with child
The burning morning, the moaning borning
Of Anti-auntie archipelagos
Be of good wife, oh life, oh life
The coroner Coriolis effect 
Sunrise of the mind
The mellow, yellow morning mightiness
Of dirty kettle sunshine

Taken are the heliotropes
The switches are swished
Fall the nettle heads
Beside a barbed wire ditch

And the kitches of kitchener
March to the warehouse Drum
Beside ear phone shop
Who listen to the dark men come

Oh morning, morning
The steel brush of salty heaven due
In exhaustible fatwa of merciful Father Pew
Painstaking needles in a Pine forest hill
Who can hear a pin drop has no need of fire drill

All this absorption and none of it real
All I have to give is what I can feel

River Lundy

River Lundy

I miss the Lundy
The river of Lun
I miss the Summer
Funny Honey Bun

I miss the Blue Sky
The Lazy haze
And I miss Lundy and You

Mardi was a fine day
Mecredi too
Jeudi was okay
Vendredi was Blue
Still I miss the Lundy and You

All day I wonder
Oh what can I do?
I walk the dusty streets
Feed animals at the zoo
Each night I see shooting stars
Quite beautiful is true
Yet I may as well live on Mars
For still I miss the Lundy and You

The seals are singing alone in the bay
Sweet gulls are winging above a mermaid serenade
No more Ghosts are appearing
I’m not afraid of the shade
But I still miss one thing or maybe two
I miss the Lundy and You

Love is on the lips
Of lovers who kiss
Black bird is on the Rosehips
But there are still somethings I miss it is true
Yes I miss the Lundy and You

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Aonach Mor

Aonach Mor

Northern lights that are amazing
Like a green fire that’s blazing
Above the Mountain hearth beneath the sky

Jagged skyline like rows of teeth
 Rising up from those soft gums beneath

Always pushing, stirring, nudging
The sky not budging
Pilgrim clouds are rushing turning
To be nearer their destination

In the cold of Mountain heights
The stars come out like diamond kites
Twinkling, shimmering in silver sprinkling
Like star dust glimmering
Shining down

And then the cold air
That’s blaring, sneering, snarling
Staring hard down
The wind which bustles, hustles, rustles
Rampaging tussles of heathery ground

In its stampede, walkers impede
Deer hunker into the hollow some more
When they arise the mornings bright
With frost that bites
Before it thaws

And the air it fills with steam
From the nostrils of the stag
As he stands beside the stream
Drinks its cool water from off a crag

And his harem of does that follow
Tread lightly, nimbly through the fallow grass
As winter grips into his hollow
His antlers stand hard, as a guard stands fast

Ever battling the coming storm
Built of granite, Mountain born
Open hands of thorns inviting
Call down rains from Heaven’s fountain
Implore the Gods of the grey peaks whitening
To keep his coat of fur from lightening
That keeps his strong heart warm



Clouds are pilgrims ever travelling
Round the winding world unravelling

Tying up and letting go
As the spool while the seamstresses sew

And their thread
Is the winding wind
Which blows this way
Then back again

And the clouds are like carrier freight
With their cargo of water
They cannot be late
‘Always hurrying to the next mountain

Like ghosts who cannot rest
Who must keep going as if un-blest

And yet some holy pilgrimage
Keeps them travelling on
As if they knew that somehow

Their time shall not be long

Ghost Town

Ghost Town

This town, this town
Like a carousel turns around
Faces in the circus
Each a kind of clown
Painted skin and staircases
Draped in Adam’s Ale
All will turn to Ice Castles
Come the Wind and Hail

Fortress, stronghold, bearer of the monk
Shed loads of lotteries
Every Murder investigation sunk
All because you don’t belong
They say under hushed tones
Concealing garments of Arab beans
Around necklaces of crushed bones

All escalators jar on the snow peppered Mountain tops
They heave their sighs
In heave hoes
Between the goes
And stops

Even the Avalanche will eventually lose control
And then all the helpless victims
Will be released from frozen snow

Here is where the clock ticks
But nobody counts the days
Each are blended today in tomorrow
As billiards knock, kick and part in sorrow

This Haunted place of Ghosts
No wonder Clansmen die
From the painted Motherwell
To the long lost spear of Mackie

Shaken are the frigid hands
That turn to write the page
All are white who can call fright
Back to the Scottish Stage

Macbeth is in is Torpor
The Lady runs blood down the drain
The Wind windmills the wheelie Bins
And it never ceases to rain

The figures in this Chrysalis
The Winter Queen has stilled
Are as the knaves whom at Fairies hands
Will find their life bloods chilled

Some say ghosts are breeding
Some say darkness walks
Hand in hand with feeding
As the Stag’s Head talks

Too many deaths have bleached the ground
Too much blood has soaked its moss
And in these Clan destined days
The wedding sounds drowned out
By the voices of loss

Who here was a Cameron?
Who there a Jacobite who rose?
Who Frames the accursed James
Now lays himself where the thistle grows

Fort William, this town, Onich and Corpach
Bring out your dead
Lay out their bodies
But their souls to here come back

Give them six feet to lay in
Give them a horse’s span
Leave them hands to hold them
They will hold them if they can

Each a living member
Each a tie to Earth
The Mountain Glen
Does remember what its men
In death are truly worth

Living life must cling here
Enter and hang in the air
Each torpid wind-blown vapour
Remembers each wisp of hair

Heavy is the fog now
Heavy on the Pine
Heavy the heave ho, the tug-o-war
And heavy on the Mountain line

Train tracks through the hollow
Deer tracks on the snow
Under the earthen grave so shallow
In the rivers wake they tow

Remember this Fort’s fighting
Remember Romans, English, Danes and Picts
Celts fought in the Mountain Belts
All fought over land
With hands or sticks

Remember said the Winter King
To the Summer Wren
The Season’s change,
But, I remain
Ruler over Men

The Robin flies off from the Holly
The boys beat the bounds sounding jolly
And Winter skins the leafless trees
As the lone figure stands in the folly

Remember when,
The voices ken,
Resound, resound
Within the Glen
Remember me when the Ghosts are Gone
From this Ghost Town

Fort William

Friday, 13 November 2015

Red Sky

Red Sky At Night
The village stood as if damned
Corrosive in illusions of the mind
A water boy was running
To fetch the fire brigade
And the torpedo manufacturer
Had corked his finest wine
A magical dragon
Then curtailed the wagon
And bit off one of its wheels
Gosh Golly said the madam
Drinking from a flagon
That warehouse is making eyes at me
Well how does it make you feel?
To know an empty field
Said the farmer
In his hand was a potato peel
The last crop of last year
Since war with Mars
All our spuds have been nicked
Yet I chased a Martian with a Spatula
And it felt quite spectacular
To know that  a fly on Mars
Can flatten me
You don’t drive your car on Mars?
Said the lollipop lady
Who had filled her mouth with Candy
From all the helpless babies
She helped to cross the road
You must be crazy
Said the Martian
We all hover on Space beams
And gravity don’t pull you down so hard
He ain’t Heavy, man the life buoy
He’s floating away
Oh Brother why did you have to go and live on Mars?

My brother he was happy
Wearing the Martian Hood
He felt Einstein was the only one
Who truly understood
But the Milky way was curdling
And his journey would be long
Jet set let’s go
Now I’m going to where I must belong

The rocket ship fired
Its engines burst into flames
The little skid mark from tyres
Left single tracks across our brains
And in a gush of gasoline
And a whoosh of rocket fuel
This ship crossed the boundary line
Of the imagination and what’s possible

Out beyond the stars
Above a barren sands
To another Red Rocky plane
To be caught in Martian hands
Like a paper aeroplane
Sent across a class in school
Its message met the Martian eyes
As if a guided cotton spool
The thread as in the labyrinths
In jet trails out to Space
Yet in their air, it was so vacant
The origin difficult to trace

The burning ship set down
Its fires quenched by the Red sand
Like blood the red horizon foretold delight
At shepherds hands
But Martian sheep can bound for miles
And a shepherd here must have a sense of humour
The only time he’s without his smiles
Is when he sees a Martian Puma

They prey upon his flock of sheep made
In part of aluminium
And sink their tin opening mouths
That shine in some illumine

These chases take place soon after dark
While the tin sheep start to rust
And by the morning they’ve shed themselves
Of a hundred fillings of red dust

The Zinc/Magnesium clad Pumas agitate
And set themselves in bold
Shining like a fire
In the starry Martian cold

It all seems like a miracle
It all seems so well planned
But the shepherd he rises on a spiracle
Of unearthly breath he has manned
For no man ever went there
None who from earth were born
None before my brother Peter
Who rode in on a cob of blazing corn
He landed and a maze field, began springing into life
All the Martian cried that’s amazing
No more worries or agricultural strife
We can all give up steel sheep grazing
And opt for an easier life

So glad were they he came there
They called him star man from the East
For with him Sunlight, blue skies and rain
Which drove out the wild Red beast

The Red dust which fed him had fallen from grazing sheep
And now without red rust it led him
To retreat into the planet’s deep

Out went the warders and keepers of the Red
Out the damn spot back to its hole
Now they’re all living underground
Now the Martian’s can have a soul
On went the planting of the corn and the wheat
New grew the bread and the patter of green feet

The Green giants stood at eight feet tall
Every earthman was a midget 
To these men of the Red Ball
But the Red dust had not gone away
It was hidden in the basement
And buried in the hay
Waitin for the right time
When night replaced the day

Then at that moment when night broke out instead
The Red Martian's came out their holes
And began killing the Green ones dead 
To and fro they wrestled for what seemed fifty years
Until a final truce was settled
Which left the Green ones quite in tears

The Greens would be left in peace
If they helped the Red Barons with a War
They wanted their dogs of war unleashed 
Upon the hated earth they swore

For an Earthling had come some years ago
And changed the fine balance of power
The Reds had lost face that day when to their holes they'd cowered

The Reds would stand no more for earth
With Its lights of leading minds
They wanted to extinguish all its candles
Bring back the dark times

The Green Martians disagreed
But what else could they do?
If they didn't want more bloodshed
They knew they must subdue

And so a pact was made to ally against the Earth
The Red blood was mixed with Green in Oath
And each knew what blood was worth

The Invasion came one Wednesday
Following a Blood Red Dawn
The people of Earth felt hazy
As if tired of just being born

And if this was to be the World's end
Then what an end it would be
While the Martians rode in on Fountain Pens
And scribbled on the Sky
We are Free

So as I say
There came a day
When Mars did Earth Invade
And after much bloodshed
Both red and green of Martian Vein
And Earth's blood that was red
The Earthlings realised a thing
Like knowledge from a dream
That it was the red not the green
Who did the War-waging
Though it cost the Greens their souls

And the Great minds on Earth perceived
That when the first earthling who was on Mars received
The place was a desert made of Red
From the rusty sheep
And they saw if only stainless steel sheep
Could be persuaded to live there instead
The Red dust would be gone
Just as a Body which is dead
Decays to dust and bone
Nothing else could be left
To the Red Army which they might call home

So the plan became to drop
These steel wool parachutes
As if a ticking hand grenade
In that when they moult
As will a sheep
Only stainless steel wool would be laid
And the Red Planet who wages war
Would instead become a silver ball
A harmless brother to the moon

A crack team of Shepherds set out
Into the Red of Night
And dropped their ticking bombs of wool
Under wooly cover out of sight
The next months proved decisive
As the New Martian sheep did Moult
It left no rust for Red dust to mine
Like it grinds the pepper and salt
The Reds soon had no choice
but to retreat to underground
And even now you can hear the faint voice
Of the Red Dust drilling sound

But so long as Green is Green
And the stainless steel sheep do munch the pasture
The Red dust will settle out of scene
The Greens will still be master

So don't think the Grass is always Greener
On the other side of the road
Just think of this tale when you see a Red Sky at Night
And be Glad the Earth is your abode


Ben Nevis
Sitting on the over ground
Under ground flows over rock
The voice from under is a trickle a babble
Of life where for it to be found
Is like a shock
Old familiar burn is friend to traveller of weary feet
Once you’ve climbed to mountain peak
It serves you a cool refreshment stop
Red burn flowing from a thousand fathoms deep
Who knows where it comes from?
How or why the Red Giant sleeps
Like a Lazy reptile
Its fish flesh rests
Easing in the water
Sliding smooth granite slab over slab
Like intercostals of its heaving rib cage
Breathing algae and moss
Wet lichen sponges, the ages that pass
And then the Red Giant shifts
Raises his leviathan bulk
Skip sized boulders
Roll off his great shoulders
And then he settles again
And the Red Burn off his orange, silver grey body
Rolls as if his blood
But though his bones creak
He still lives under rain flood
Or baking blue skies

Up high it is grey cold stone
A graveyard of broken tombs
Fallen base of sky
The barren boulder field
Crumbled moon rock pie
Adamantine Hardness of earth
Protrusion reaching so far up
One of Mother Nature’s most promising children
Turned to stone by an angry God
What did it do to warrant such a punishment?
Did it like the Titans of old try to reclaim Eden?
Made themselves Lord and Master of all they survey
But oh what disaster ahead of them lay
They boiled in righteous indignation, in their own impotency did rage
Their molten vibrancy of action lay like monuments that last an age
Their only crime self realisation that in God’s image were they made

And yet in this pride was their downfall from their Mighty Stage